The MC sounds awkward, his delivery is god awful. He's doing some weird thing with his voice where he's dampering his sound, but it also could be the weird mixing you have on the vocals.
I'm not saying you don't have anything to work off of man, both the producer and the rapper seem like they have the potential. The MC needs to work on his confidence on the mic, and making every word seem believable or even legible. Also, an important thing to maybe focus on is tightening up the flow. You have a lot of changeups, where you're switching from double time to single time. If you're going to do that, you need to have a precision flow.
Honestly, rap like you're living a movie. Think about how the person listening feels when they hear each line of your music, and how you want them to feel. The only way you can do that is if you deliver the lines with passion and the appropriate energy.
You've got a cool sound, though. Just keep working at it.